
Personal Growth

Thank you for taking a moment to read this post. Everyone I know is so busy. Time is our most important resource. If you’re taking the time to read this, I am grateful.

I am terrible at asking for help for myself. I’m a giver. I get so much joy from helping other people. But to be truly successful, we have to be just as good at giving as receiving.

Right now, I do need a little help.

I am asking you to think of me when the topic of real estate arises in your life. I do not want to take you away from someone you already work with. Never.

BUT, if you don’t already have an agent OR you know someone else looking for an agent, that’s the right time to think of me.

Why should you or your friends consider working with me? Here’s why…

I was licensed by the state of IL on July 7, 2020. I studied so hard and passed the exam on the first try. I planned to take the exam after EYSO’s March concert, but that’s when everything shut down.

Given my personal learning style, I had been enrolled in an online school so no problem there. And, because I had intended to take the exam in March 2020, I got my in-person class time out of the way in February. For those that are not familiar, even if you do your class time online, you are still required to do a portion in-person.

I am a planner, and I was right in line with my plan. (Although, I am learning that planning a little LESS could benefit me…)

I was disappointed that I had to put my exam on hold indefinitely, but I believe everything happens for a reason. So, I kept studying.

I studied EVERYDAY until I was able to schedule the exam (I am very good at studying – my tactics might seem a little crazy, but they work – happy share if you reach out). I even drove to Chicago to test.

There are testing facilities in the suburbs, but that would have meant waiting EVEN LONGER. My patience was wearing a little thin.

I was finally able to schedule in June 2020. I took the exam at the end of June and passed on the first try, this is a big accomplishment. First-time pass rates are low. You will not hear me bragging often, but I am proud of myself for this one.

What does this have to do with why you should consider working with me? Because I have drive and if I feel at my core, I’m on the right path I will not give up.

Real estate is an amazing place to be right now if you are established. I am not. I am excellent at networking and putting myself out there but getting out there is the tough part.

Being subject primarily to electronic forms of communication is difficult. We are all inundated with SO much information. What I am doing to establish myself is getting lost in the shuffle. I will be exploring mail options, but I thought I would give a personal post a try too.

I am all for pushing myself outside of my comfort zones – this is where growth comes from. Posts like this are outside of my comfort zone. This idea hit me this morning, so I took a little time to sit down and write today.

Why did I choose real estate?

I chose real estate because it’s the perfect cross-section of things I enjoy, things I am very good at, AND it will help provide me with financial security (someday, I am confident about that).

Don’t worry, I am not giving up on the arts world or Elgin! Success in real estate will allow me to continue doing even more to build up our community. I do not give up; I find new ways of accomplishing goals.   

 If you read all of this, I love you and I think you are amazing! If you didn’t, no worries, this is A LOT to read and few have time for stuff like this.  

The takeaway – I am very excited about real estate, but I need a little help establishing myself during an unusual time. I’ve had two clients since July 2020, and I loved every minute of it. I love knowing I have found a new way to help people.

Right now, my focus is on residential real estate. My first client was a rental property (a new, young family), my second was a first-time homebuyer (referred through a friend, so grateful). I also have the great fortune of working with a managing broker who really cares about people and has nearly 20 years of experience. I have a WEALTH of knowledge at my disposal.

I’m a member of the REALTOR Association of the Fox Valley. You can connect with me on Facebook (of course) or via my website (YourAgentKari.com). My social platforms are all connected on my website.

Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for considering me.
