
YouTube Channel – FINALLY!

I’ve been thinking about this for WEEKS! There is never a perfect time. I was feeling very inspired and energized today so I took a few minutes to record a simple intro.

I made mistakes. I misspoke. But that’s life. All I want to do is connect with people. I will use this channel partially as a video blog, but primarily to introduce local people to a broader audience.

Making connections is where it’s at for me.

My original thought was to call this video series, Introducing Elgin, but then that would impose limitations. The interview portion of my channel will be simply, Introducing…

The interviews will predominantly feature Elgin, but also surrounding suburbs. I look forward to a lot of fun and interesting chats!

You’ll find the Introducing… videos under my All About Local tab in the future.

Thanks for taking this journey with me!

As always–I’m here for you! Let’s connect!


PS – Here’s my intro video!